Why Do I?

They are waiting for an answer.
They are waiting for an answer.

It’s interesting when life offers us something to work with, even when we didn’t ask for it. A couple of nights ago, I read a line – or I might had heard it randomly on YouTube, but it went something like this:

If we don’t need to eat animals to live a long, healthy life, then why do we?

Since then – it has been going round and round in my head. My brain trying to provide a real answer. Up till now everything appears to be a rationalization instead of a reason. Another way I define “rationalize” is to RATION – LIES.

While I was raised in a lacto-ovo vegetarian home as a child, I don’t live in one now – and honestly I wasn’t planning on it. I’m not sure what will become of this, what feels like a moral dilemma.

Some of the “reasons” I have come up with:

1. I feel better eating meat.

2. “Paleo is how we evolved.” (I used to follow a Paleo diet for awhile.)

3. It tastes good!

4. It’s convenient.

All of these seem pretty weak.

This past month I have speaking about letting Love pointing the way – love does no harm – Ahimsa (non-violence)…it brings a different perspective to the question or maybe more to help me with the answer.

I’m interested in seeing where this goes.


2 responses to “Why Do I?”

  1. Those cows are so cute and they look like they want to know! Meat doesn’t really taste that good without the sauce or marinade and on the McDougall program you can probably have the sauce (if it doesn’t have dairy). My cat, the obligate carnivore, doesn’t really need a sauce or marinade and wouldn’t have a problem eating it raw (or killing the animal himself). Watch a couple of YouTube videos from Big Cat Rescue of the big cats eating – raw meat, would you really want that? ugh Now starches, mmmm, big plate of mashed potatoes. Now that is good eating.

  2. Chris Weir Avatar
    Chris Weir

    Interesting question Alan. Thank you.